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Gemma, a college junior with plans to kill it in the music industry, learns to cope with a new bipolar diagnosis in this new comedy with an unflinching point of view on what it takes to deal.
"You Think I'm Bipolar?"
"You Think I'm Bipolar?"

"Spit Those Out Right Now!"
"Spit Those Out Right Now!"

✍️ How To Get Your Crush’s Attention
✍️ How To Get Your Crush’s Attention

“Did You Just Friendzone Me?” 😡
“Did You Just Friendzone Me?” 😡

Therapy May Be Gemma's Only Choice
Therapy May Be Gemma's Only Choice

Late Nights + Early Meeting = Disaster 💀
Late Nights + Early Meeting = Disaster 💀

What Really Went Down With Gemma & Her Ex? 😳
What Really Went Down With Gemma & Her Ex? 😳

This Night Will Make Or Break Gemma’s Career
This Night Will Make Or Break Gemma’s Career

WDYD When Your Ex Says This? 🥴
WDYD When Your Ex Says This? 🥴

“On One Side New Life, The Other Close To Death”
“On One Side New Life, The Other Close To Death”