Φωτογραφία προφίλ
372k συνδρομητές
The greatest and funniest gaming clips on the internet.
She's the real D.Va...😍
She's the real D.Va...😍

The only game to make her rage...😬
The only game to make her rage...😬

Don't call a gamer by their real name...🤫
Don't call a gamer by their real name...🤫

Why do gamer girls do this...🤔
Why do gamer girls do this...🤔

The reality of gamer girls...😬
The reality of gamer girls...😬

Every gamers biggest fear...😳
Every gamers biggest fear...😳

How to trigger a gamer girl...😶
How to trigger a gamer girl...😶

She's the best D.Va...🤩
She's the best D.Va...🤩

She needs to be banned from gaming...🙈
She needs to be banned from gaming...🙈

She shouldn't be playing D.Va...🤣
She shouldn't be playing D.Va...🤣

Is Nadia cheating...🤔
Is Nadia cheating...🤔

She got hit on in Grand Theft Auto😳
She got hit on in Grand Theft Auto😳

She's the best D.Va...😳
She's the best D.Va...😳

Is Swagg cheating...🤔
Is Swagg cheating...🤔