Ảnh Đại Diện
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internet clown
that one friend who is always lying
that one friend who is always lying

are you ambidextrous?
are you ambidextrous?

improvised sketches to ease the burden of living
improvised sketches to ease the burden of living

I wrote a song for "nice guys"
I wrote a song for "nice guys"

that one tone deaf kid in choir class
that one tone deaf kid in choir class

even 911 thinks this is illegal
even 911 thinks this is illegal

apple doesn't want you to hear these ringtones
apple doesn't want you to hear these ringtones

that guy who takes things too seriously
that guy who takes things too seriously

this guy has to be the weirdest new TikTok star
this guy has to be the weirdest new TikTok star

here's 10 sketches I just made up
here's 10 sketches I just made up

literally the worst actor you've ever seen
literally the worst actor you've ever seen

when you hear your own voice for the first time
when you hear your own voice for the first time

you can say literally anything in a movie trailer pt. 2
you can say literally anything in a movie trailer pt. 2

When the jazz demon takes over
When the jazz demon takes over