प्रोफाइल चित्र
149k सदस्य
In 2016, a racist creep crashed my party. I went from republican insider to political outcast. Now that I got nothing to lose, I’m bringing you a brutally honest look at the news.
Trump Considered Moderate? 🤯
Trump Considered Moderate? 🤯

He's Running Against A Kennedy?
He's Running Against A Kennedy?

Solutions For Looming Economic Crisis
Solutions For Looming Economic Crisis

Grading Trump's GOP Challengers🗒️
Grading Trump's GOP Challengers🗒️

The Rightwing Kingmaker & Chief
The Rightwing Kingmaker & Chief

Trump In Court Trouble Again ❗
Trump In Court Trouble Again ❗

Their Controversial Anti-Vax Debate
Their Controversial Anti-Vax Debate

Twist In Russia War: A Rogue Faction
Twist In Russia War: A Rogue Faction

"Are you conservative?" How To Reply...
"Are you conservative?" How To Reply...

Was this a 'Fedsurrection'🤔
Was this a 'Fedsurrection'🤔

The Republican party's new future?
The Republican party's new future?

Why his 2024 chances are tanking
Why his 2024 chances are tanking

🚨breaking news🚨Trump charged with 4 new felonies
🚨breaking news🚨Trump charged with 4 new felonies

How do we fix US college system?
How do we fix US college system?