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194k Subscribers
Thousands of people are changing the world every single day, and Kamera Jr. is here to tell you about all of them.
I Stole 8,000 Abused Dogs
I Stole 8,000 Abused Dogs

I have a Golden Arm
I have a Golden Arm

I Ate 30,000 Big Macs
I Ate 30,000 Big Macs

This Woman Escaped North Korea
This Woman Escaped North Korea

The Village with No Men
The Village with No Men

I have the Biggest Mouth in the World
I have the Biggest Mouth in the World

I identify as Santa Claus
I identify as Santa Claus

The Hottest Place in the World
The Hottest Place in the World

I have a Lego Arm
I have a Lego Arm

I Have The World's Smallest Feet
I Have The World's Smallest Feet

I'm a Real Life Unicorn 🦄
I'm a Real Life Unicorn 🦄

I'm the Last Tribal Tattoo Maker in the World
I'm the Last Tribal Tattoo Maker in the World

I Cleaned a Lake by Myself
I Cleaned a Lake by Myself

I Peel Coconuts with my Mouth
I Peel Coconuts with my Mouth