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Roommates Ginny and Chris fumble their way through freshman year. (Binge The Entire Series!)
Was Your Freshman Year THIS Awkward? Binge This Show!
Was Your Freshman Year THIS Awkward? Binge This Show!

Have You Ever Had FOMO This Bad?
Have You Ever Had FOMO This Bad?

Spoiler Alert: Someone Gets Sexiled...
Spoiler Alert: Someone Gets Sexiled...

Does Your Mom Think She's Super Cool? Same.
Does Your Mom Think She's Super Cool? Same.

Would You Lie to Your BFF?
Would You Lie to Your BFF?

Has Your Friend Lied to You Like This?
Has Your Friend Lied to You Like This?

This Romance Will Give You All the Feels 😍
This Romance Will Give You All the Feels 😍

Have You Ever Been Kissed Like This?
Have You Ever Been Kissed Like This?